I was wondering if anyone has had to contact the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to complain about noisy neighbors? If so, was it a stuff around? Did the complaint get dealt with it a timely manner?
We have some people living about 3 houses away diagonally from us who have decided in the last month that playing really loud ‘doof’ music is acceptable at all hours. It is normally during the day which doesn’t bother me so much, but for my shift working husband it can be quite the annoyance. The last straw was this morning when they decided to blast it at 6.30am. My only sleep-in for the week, gone.
I can only imagine how loud it must be for the people living directly next door to them.
And yes, I have considered actually going and speaking to them, but they appear to be the sort people who would answer the door with a gun, or try to rip my head off with their bare hands… In other words, not very friendly.
So, my whole point being should I bother contacting the EPA or shall a brick through the window or a molotov cocktail suffice?