Hi all. I have lived in Canberra for seven years now and as much as I love the place, I still find myself amazed at some government decisions. Every Anzac day, my mates and our wives would all meet in a major city (which is chosen in turn) for Anzac Day to have a re-union. The city chosen is usually where one of us lives, thus this Anzac Day, we will be here in Canberra.
Whilst doing some planning, I note that ACTION in their wisdom (I use the term loosely of course) have decided that there will only be a bus service to the AWM Dawn Service from the City Interchange and Westfield Belconnen . What are we at Gungahlin supposed to do? Walk? Catch a cab? Catch a bus the night prior and camp? ACTION is the only (alleged) provider of public transport services in the ACT, and they can’t even put on a couple of buses for an event of national significance, which is taking place in the nations capital….
Free buses go to the Rugby and the League – but not Anzac Day and although the rugby buses are chartered, it is still un-Australian for the government not to provide transport on Anzac Day. How are the old diggers who did the hard yards going to get to the AWM if they don’t drive? Likewise, if the diggers and general public want to stay in Civic to enjoy a couple of Anzac beers, they will have to catch a cab as the Gungahlin buses stop at 7.00pm.
I guess the answer is to drive and park in the city somewhere to catch the bus up to the AWM, then leave the car if you want to have a beer or two. What an example of being over charged to live here and then getting SFA in return.
I wouldn’t usually whinge about this type of thing, but enough is enough. If anyone in the government who can actually make a decision is reading this, how about the provision of a service on a very special day?
I’ve said enough…..