3 February 2025

Call to get behind Liberals' lead Senate candidate after vote

| Ian Bushnell
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Jacob Vadakkedathu

Liberal Jacob Vadakkedathu will continue his Senate campaign. Photo: Jacob Vadakkedathu.

The Canberra Liberals will persist with their lead Senate candidate after a party vote on Saturday afternoon saw a motion to replace him defeated.

Dissatisfaction with Jacob Vadakkedathu over alleged branch stacking and poor campaign performance came to a head after a petition from party members gathered the necessary 30 signatures to force a divisional council vote.

According to an email from party president Nick Tyrrell to members after the meeting, a motion to select a new lead Senate candidate was moved, seconded and stridently debated but not carried.

However, according to party sources, the meeting had a low turnout, with only 183 members attending and 18 determining the result.

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Mr Tyrrell, who vacated the chair due to media speculation that he might be a replacement candidate, expressed relief in the email at the result and called on the party to get behind Mr Vadakkedathu.

“I am proud we were able to give effect to our Constitutional requirements and give our members the voice they are entitled to,” he said.

“I appreciate those who contributed respectfully to the debate and made their voices heard.

“With this difficult meeting behind us, we must all consider what we can do to better assist Jacob’s campaign, with the intention of winning as many votes as possible to our column, and putting pressure on [Senators] Gallagher and Pocock.”

In the email, Mr Tyrrell said this had been a difficult period for the party but urged members to focus on the priorities discussed at the meeting – winning votes, winning seats, and working together to build the party.

“Our job now is to get behind Jacob, help him achieve the commitments he has made, and strive for a victory at the next election,” he said.

“Our country needs a Peter Dutton victory, and we need to do all we can to help achieve that.”

It is believed Mr Tyrrell would have reluctantly stepped up if the vote had gone the other way and no one else had put their hand up, to avoid an “empty chair”.

Mr Tyrrell would not comment on internal party matters when contacted by Region.

Party sources say the result was not a great vote of confidence in Mr Vadakkedathu. The main arguments for staying with him were that it was too late to find someone else, it wasn’t fair to dump him now, and it would be too disruptive for the party.

“If as much effort went into campaigning for community votes as went into winning this internal vote, we might have had a shot at winning something in the real world,” said one who was in the room.

There remain suggestions that other figures are manoeuvring to make a run at the following election, and it was in their interests to keep Mr Vadakkedathu.

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Mr Vadakkedathu addressed the meeting, reassuring members of his commitment to the campaign.

He would not comment on the outcome to Region.

It appears most members shied away from being involved in any internal conflict.

Unless there is federal intervention, this seems to be the end of the matter.

Allegations against Mr Vadakkedathu included the branch stacking, that he auctioned an autographed cricket bat without permission, failed to meet fundraising commitments, and has generally been lacklustre in the field with little visibility.

Mr Vadakkedathu denied the allegations.

Last month he faced three party figures, including Mr Tyrrell, about the unhappiness with his candidacy but refused to step aside.

A federal election is due to be held by May.

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He has zero chance. He represents a very small minority of indians and young liberals in the party as he is a clone of Zed. He has failed multiple times at a territory level in getting elected so this time will be no different. The only hope is that hopefully he won’t contest in the future

It doesn’t really matter. The key people in the party know he can’t win. Nobody will. It has to be a well know identity if they are top get the senate seat back. This will move him on anyway.

Saul Goodman11:35 am 04 Feb 25

I’m sure the local branch membership are “right behind him” alright, whilst ensuring they’ve all got a knife in both hands.

“Our country needs a Peter Dutton victory, and we need to do all we can to help achieve that.”
whatever local lib party lickspittle said that probably thinks the east coast of Australia, from Port Douglas right down to Eden, needs a 50m high tsuamai too.

It is a sad fact and at this point in time just months out from an election, it really does not matter who the Liberal party’s senate candidate is. infighting, self-interest, lack of talent, internal members actively leaking and briefing the media, the loss of the party’s only federal representative and senator in an unprecedented election defeat, not to mention the most conservative local candidates ever elected to our assembly; Canberra voters are the big losers.

Yeah, nah.

Can’t see the Libs having any influence in the feds or the council in ACT again.

Ian De Landelles4:56 pm 03 Feb 25

Thirty or more years ago the Democrats, when they existed as a political party, and for many elections since the Greens, have attempted to win the second ACT senate seat.

I long argued that, because either major party had to receive less than a third of the vote to secure a senate seat, the only seat under threat was the Labor’s.

Those who voted ‘strategically’, would be left of centre, resulting in a lower Labor vote, and thus the loss of the seat, while the Liberals maintained theirs

I am not displeased to have been proved wrong about the size of the Liberal vote, however I am disappointed that the Canberra Liberals are so unelectable due to their continued ‘factional battles’ and know of long-term party members who are no longer in the fold.

There is no doubt the Liberal pre-selected candidate will finish third in this race where there are only prizes for first and second, and the factional warlords must bear responsibility for this result.

Those Canberra Liberal Party members who are leaking information to the Media and including the Riotact should be identified and kicked out of the party by the management committee. The constitution clearly states that events that have occurred in the meeting should not be discussed and provided to outside sources. Further, this was mentioned at the meeting, yet you can’t keep your mouth shout!! These individuals who are doing this, are a disgrace to the Liberal Party, your lack of integrity is disgusting and shameful. You should be removed from the Liberal Party as per the Constitution 12 (1), a) – h). I’m sure you are the same people who did it prior to the Division meeting. Hope you are caught and face deserving consequences. The lack of honesty, integrity and accountability being shown currently by members will not help any candidate or political party win any election.

Lucy “Lucy Lastic” Lastic4:00 pm 03 Feb 25

Members have been angry for a long time as to how the party is run; yet the party continues to run itself into the ground. I say it’s well deserved. They’re not the nicest bunch of people when it comes down to it. They feel most people are useful idiots and they cast them aside when they’re not being useful anymore.

Had the party been run well, the branch stacking couldn’t have happened and they’ve let it go, anyway, despite it being a “huge thing” for them a couple of weeks ago. Not standing up for what is right – removing the lacklustre candidate this time, and working harder to attract decent candidates who have at least a chance of being considered for the senate, next time – just shows who they are.

They are outdated, and out of touch with the electorate they hope to represent.

Liberal have NEVER put a candidate forward for the senate that was interested in representing the whole constituency; only weird right wing factional fairy story stuff that doesn’t align with the people of Canberra. I have no idea why they want a presence here anyway.

They’re useless in opposition and very complacent being there as well. It’s almost like they don’t try to win the election, only their comfy seats back.

While they continue to do this; they will always have people who are working from the inside to destroy them (goes back to the “should treat people well despite not being useful to them anymore” thing – it’s disingenuous and more damaging to the party brand, if that could be possible.)

To reiterate, it couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of people, quite frankly. They brought it on themselves.

Spare the theatrics Elmo80! Maybe you should have a chat to deputy leader Jeremy Hanson and President Nick Tyrrell amongst others who are leaking like sieves!

Jacob’s Bat2:30 pm 03 Feb 25

Send. Help.

What a bunch of incompetents. Since Zed led them to defeat, the Canberra Liberals are highly unlikely to win back a Senate seat in my life time. David Pocock is representing the views and interests of Canberrans extremely well and will be senator for life.

Agreed, zero chance to beat Pocock. Far better another independent senator than a puppet from the duopoly.

So the whole cricket bat scandal was a load of BS? Part of an orchestrated power grab?

The ACT does need an effective, centre-right, socially moderate conservative opposition….a bunch of entitled, infighting, far-right, dingbats not so much.

Real right wing is Fascism and Nazism, my daddi and mummy escaped. They both hated Australians using the far right wing term on one side of politics.

The Encyclopedia of Politics: The Left and the Right states that far-right politics include “persons or groups who hold extreme nationalist, xenophobic, homophobic, racist, religious fundamentalist, or other reactionary views.”

Plenty of reactionary views in the Canberra Liberals, I’m sorry.

Which current conservative from Canberra holds a so called extreme right view?

Who and evidence to back your claim, not hearsay or I read it somewhere. As a starting point, with the people of colour from that party.

Anyone else here would like to answer? Keep in mind defamation laws.

Look up the term reactionary.

Is Zed still a member? He proved himself reactionary on what apparently were fundamentalist religious grounds. Why else was he kicked to the kerb?

The fact that Born1942 writes an equivalent of the old “some of my best friends are Jews” as if that excluded the possibility of extreme views suggests quite a bit about the quality of their analysis.

In essence right/conservative, not far right.

You do not get to define where they lie as perceived by society at large. You ignore that Zed was ejected for being far right, essentially.

Being unfamiliar with Liberal party members, I made no comment on them. After conversation, I would tell you where I consider they are. The broader electorate obviously considers both the shenanigans and most of the candidates to be unacceptable yet Canberra is “different” only on a State level comparison, quite similar to many national electorates which send left centrists or “wet” Liberals to Canberra.

Neither do you.
The stench of reddit commie is thick in the air here.

Where did I say I did? The relevant word was “define”. I added that I would “consider” (have a view) after conversation and that Zed had “proved himself reactionary”, all indisputable.

If you think those are “commie” statements then you have nothing to offer to discourse. Better keep shouting instead.


Further to what Holocene posted, you don’t get to reject terms in political science because you don’t like them.


opposing political or social progress or reform.
“reactionary attitudes toward women’s rights”

Nothing I said was incorrectly stated or defined.

Never brought up Zed. I am talking about the current person within this article. Your comment of “some of my best friends are Jews”? What is wrong with you? I cannot lower myself to your sewer level. What are you implying? The Barbie Movie or one of us is Anti-Semitic?

Seano/Holocene (presumed same person)

Notably apparent is your utilisation of words/terms as a weak attempt to finalise the conversation in your perceived favour with other posters and myself on the Riot Act.

I was not questioning pol sci – Take it a face value. You brought up pol sci I presume in a way to justify yourself.

Is it that hard for you to consume that I called out (nothing more or less) Far Right?

People have no grasp on what they do or say.


“Seano7:52 am 28 Jan 25
The Greens aren’t communists and more than the Liberals are fascists. You need to log off Telegram and read a book, Rob.” GOOD advice Seano/Holo, why do you not follow your own advice?

@Born1942, firstly, your presumption is silly, and wrong.

Secondly, you show you do not understand the link from your words to my loose analogy yet presume to lecture me on how I write, while offering no rebuttal to my comment about Seselja’s views. The comment to which I responded was about the party, not an individual, so I offered an example. Read it again.

Finality exists because you have no argument.

“Mr Tyrrell, who vacated the chair due to media speculation that he might be a replacement candidate,” That says a lot. The move against Mr Vadakkedathu came from someone who wanted to replace him as the No 1 candidate on the Liberal Senate ticket. No money + infighting + Liberal 20% cut to the APS = another defeat for the ACT Liberals.

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