To whom it may concern,
As some of you may be aware, I recently made comments which stated that the ACTION bike racks caused the buses to exceed their legal length and that the trial would not go ahead. Whilst I still believe that the information was correct at the time, I acknowledge that this may have created some negative publicity for ACTION and the ACT Government.
I apoligise to ACTION management and the ACT government, in particular Mr. Simon Corbell MLA, for my actions and any negative publicity which may have resulted. I also apoligise to Mr. Simon Corbell MLA for not believing his statements that the trial would go ahead, I certainly was not insinuating any form of untruthfulness on his behalf.
As I have previously stated right here on The RiotACT, “I still reserve the right to take issue with the extra time it will take for the bikes to get on and off the racks securely, and to have concerns about the bikes which are not properly secured”, and whilst I apoligise for any inconvenience and negative publicity my previous statements may have produced, I can not and will not provide any guarantee that it won’t happen on this or other issues in the future as I, as a voter, reserve the right to an opinion and the public airing of it.
Thankyou for allowing me take up your time with my notice, I appreciate your time and hope you have a nice day.
Samuel Gordon-Stewart