Hi Rioters,
How many of us have missed episodes of a TV series or the last 20 minutes because a reality show ran over time? Or you just wanted to see an earlier episode of a series you just found interesting? Well, if you live in Sydney you can use Freeview to watch these shows on your TV through a Freeview set-top box. In Canberra however, where it is even more likely the free to air programs don’t play on schedule, we only get access to 7Plus, 9now and tenplay by use of a mobile phone or PC. Retailers in Canberra are still selling Freeview set-top boxes but not telling customers that they will only get ABC iView and SBS on-Demand through Freeview.
I’ve tried connecting various laptops to the TV and pause the program but they invariably freeze and you need to start from the beginning.
I understand the Government is planning to remove the commercial TV station’s licence fees so they can compete better with on-line services but they should also be obliged to provide the same catch-up services nationwide and that means access through a TV to their catch-up services (7Plus, 9now and tenplay).
Does anyone know if any action is being taken on this or if there is a consumer group lobbying for these services?