Hello fellow Berrans,
I haven’t seen much if any attention at all about this incident so I thought I’d post here and see if anyone had any information about it.
There are some beautiful landscapes right outside our backyards in the Brindabellas, and one of these beautiful spots which are 4WD accessible only is Flea Creek. It has come to the attention of the council and people who come to this place to enjoy it, that an unknown individual has come out and illegally felled at least 5 huge Casuarina trees with their own chainsaw for no apparent reason and with NO Permission. These trees were majestic and old and just like that have been killed by an individual with no respect or care. It’s both infuriating and deeply saddening. If anyone has any info about this, or have heard down the grapevine about someone who went out there to cut down trees, please contact the council with this information or the appropriate people who can further investigate. Feel free to post this on 4WD adventure sites. Let’s help keep these beautiful places preserved.
Places to call with any information:
Crime stoppers – 1800 333 000
Canberra Connect 13 22 81