Hi Rioters.
We’re looking at an oldish house for auction, but the real estate agent is being recalcitrant about us trying the heating, hot water etc. Presumably, if we win at auction and haven’t been able to establish whether there’s heating and hot water functioning in the house, we’re risking buying a house with neither, and no recourse. Is a real estate agent normally required to allow potential buyers to try out these things? They aren’t mentioned in the building report, there’s the usual slippery caveats. The air conditioning unit in the lounge doesn’t seem to have a remote to turn it on anywhere, and the agent has shrugged her shoulders when I’ve asked about the gas ducted heating and said that no-one else has asked to check whether it works. Don’t people check these things as a matter of course if the building report doesn’t specify? Grateful for advice or people’s own experiences in this regard …. Cheers!