How nice of the Barr Government to cancel ‘Three for free’ parking as of 1 July 2019 – handing out notices today! The flyer cites lack of demand… But I doubt the evidence supports this claim, how about:
- Need to funnel everyone possible onto the now unaffordable public transport system because raising sky high rates even higher is a vote killer;
- Have done their level best to not promote the Three for free to avoid attention
- $17 a day parking fees are just way too attractive and less conspicious
This has been a great service that actually encouraged Canberrans to car pool. But now the need to gouge in desperation to cover the failure to prudently manage public funds (or even care about cost of living) is apparent… No doubt it’s a bit embarrassing that the billion dollar tram is not collecting the projected fees (wow like that never happens…just ask the consultants) is going to show up at some point as a great but unaffordable idea.
Come on Canberra… tell the Barr Government to stop taking away decent services…
Bring back three for free… We don’t all live in Gungahlin!
Do you think the scheme should have been retained? If you were using it, what will you do instead?