Hi everyone.
At approximately 8:30am this morning, my partner was involved in a motorbike collision with another motorbike rider at the big roundabout connecting Canberra Avenue and Wentworth avenue.
Whilst she was already on the roundabout, a person riding a grey motorbike had entered the roundabout, and clipped her. Forcing her to fall. The person on the grey bike, unharmed from clipping her took off.
While we have a couple of witnesses to the accident, who weren’t quick enough to catch the plates of the rider, I am hoping someone else may have seen something, or that someone else may have dashcam footage that could come forward.
I know posting this is a long shot, but if anyone saw the accident I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me know.
As it stands, she is OK with minor arm pain, and a chipped tooth. She is facing a $1500 insurance excess, and medical expenses.