The Italian Bakery at Southlands is something of an institution, providing good European bread and the best vanilla slice on the planet.
There seems to be a longstanding feud between the Italian Bakery and Bruno’s Truffles next door.
The story, as I understand, it is that Bruno’s has taken legal action to reduce the number of tables the Italian Bakery can have out the front of their shop as they impede the walkway. The Italian Bakery (and most of their fans) think this is rubbish and is more about the fact that the Bakery is chokkers for breakfast and lunch, while Bruno’s tends to get some of the the overspill customers.
When I want to buy a filled chocolate or a luxury Easter egg, Bruno’s is the place I’ll go, but not for lunch.
If you’re feeling supportive of the Bakery, drop in an sign their petition. If there are any vanilla slices available, do yourself a favour and have one.