All Belconnen residents are invited to a public meeting about Community Participation in ACT Government Planning Processes. An information evening will be presented by Kirsten Miller, Principal Solicitor, Environmental Defenders Office and Gabrielle McKinnon, Legal and Policy Advisor to the Human Rights Commission, ACT.
7.30pm, Tuesday 18 May 2010
Community Room, upstairs Belconnen Library, Chandler Street, Belconnen
An agenda for the meeting is given below:
7.30pm Welcome, Introduction, and Apologies (Shirley Gourgaud) (5min)
7.35pm Presentation (Kirsten Miller/Gabrielle McKinnon) (40min)
8.15pm Question and Answer Session (20min)
8.35pm Conclusion followed by Refreshments and Meet and Greet
Damien Haas
Vice President, Belconnen Communiity Council