What is the number one fear of most people? Well according to research studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking and number two is death, believe it or not. Prompting Jerry Seinfeld to quip that most people at a funeral would rather be in the casket than giving the eulogy!
Tom Kelsall, the trainer, recalls a perfect example of this when he was running this Fearlessly Presenting Training for a couple of Partners and Managers of an accounting firm. The story they recounted, as to why they wanted to do the training, was that all but one of them refused to speak at a public meeting promoting their business and afterwards they wished they too had the courage to stand up and speak.
This training exposes the source of that fear of public speaking, along with its unfoundedness, and replaces it with an empowering experience of fearlessly presenting. It’s a two day training that safely and easily allows people to explore speaking publicly discovering the potential that is already within them, their untapped potential. According to Tom, everyone has the potential to be a great speaker, if they’re just supported and encouraged in the right way.
In reference to this, Charlotte Prouse, Manager Marketing, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Services, says, “The staff’s feedback has been outstanding. Many believe these to be the best, most challenging and empowering training course they’ve ever done. Word has spread quickly and now other staff are asking me to organise Tom because they too want to know the “secret”.
Tom says the training is ideal for people who’ve had enough of fearing speaking, holding themselves back and being disappointed in how they present, or simply for people who want to become much better presenters. Tom says the kinds of experiences people have following this training include…
- – feeling free to simply stand up and be themselves when they present, rather than holding themselves back, which means they have been able to give so much more to their speeches, truly entertaining their audience and actually enjoying presenting
– they now notice a room of attentive faces eagerly looking up at them, which has truly enabled them to get their message across, and that feels wonderful
– many say they now have the presence of mind to think on their feet clearly and handle questions with flexibility and ease
– and it’s actually benefited them in other areas of their work life, such as speaking up more in meetings and generally just having more self confidence.
If you’re interested to find out more, or have had enough of feeling as Jerry Seinfeld describes and would really like to tap into your potential, then the training is on this Thursday and Friday in Kingston and there are 5 places left. To find out more or book in contact Tom on 0413 360 500 or tom@soulfarmer.com.au.