“Zero-tolerance”, like “paradigm” has become a term abused by morons seeking to mask their inadequacies to the point it has lost it’s original meaning and now serves merely to denote that an idiot is speaking.
Today Bill Stefaniak has called for a “zero tolerance” approach to bullying in schools.
Bill is trying to take the time immemorial rough and tumble of the schoolyard and inspire panic in the community.
In my own experience the more anti-bullying strategies come from higher up the tougher life becomes for the bullied.
Here’s a happy school yard memory: sitting on a stool in a lab getting flicked in the back of the neck with a tie containing a thumbtack on the back of it. The cunning bully can instantly hide all evidence and running to teacher is a bad move even when they can do something about it. Eventually I turned around and belted the bastard. For that I earned a detention. Under Bill’s plan I’d have been expelled or suspended and instead would have had to keep copping the abuse.
The only real solution is for the bullied to smash the prick in the face, take their lumps from the gang, and nurse the bruises in the knowledge that next time a softer target is going to be on the receiving end.
It’s better to learn these lessons in school than be sent out into the world without them.