24 March 2006

"Blue Angels" film shoot and dance party

| HalJudge
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Strange Charm Productions Presents…



Blue Angels is a film being shot in April/May 2006 by Canberrans.

It’s a contemporary satirical story about trust, sex and strange quarks. When Ben’s girlfriend moves into his inner city apartment, they encounter some sticky questions. Will moving in together fix problems or create them? What happens when your secret sexual fantasy won’t go away? Will Ben get his university physics assignment finished? Ben tries to be good but always ends up being himself.

The Blue Angels Dance party is both a fundraiser and film shoot …

• Saturday 8 April @ Holy Grail – Civic
• Come along and be on film!
• Featuring the return of legendary Canberra DJ ROGER RAMJET as well as Mr Brown, Adam Wesley and Marty Faux
• Performances by Afterglow Productions including Queen P.D.A. and the Club Hustlers.
• Dress sexy / glam
• Profits go to production costs, camera hire and editing facilities.

The newly formed STRANGE CHARM PRODUCTIONS team includes Producer Gavin Findlay, Director Eugene Costabile, Writer Hal Judge (Silicon Spies), editor Jim Medcraft and a cast and crew of 35 others.

For further info phone Gavin Findlay on 0409 156 642 and visit:


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Bohemians, cardigans, dags, and trendies welcome.

By the way, it’s not a heroin film.

x x x

Gavin Findlay8:20 am 03 Apr 06

Ooo-er. Have we met?

I’ve pissed a few people off in my day. Amazing that some of them hold grudges going back 4+ years since I was last involved in the arts community. Happily blotted all the bitchin and self-righteousness of the arts out while I’ve spent the intervening years working in youth policy and programmes and raising my kids.

To think that some people want to “subvert” other people dancing and having fun and making a movie! No-one will be refused admission based on their clothing, anyone who cares to donate the admission price to help us make the film will be most welcome.

It’s not named after a syringe. I saw a lot of arts people succumb back in the mid-90s and it grieves me to this day. *shudder*

Jane, if you please, come along to the event as our guest, (re-?) introduce yourself, and if you so choose write about what you find, in here.

Tuba = Yep. Dag = oh yeah. Fair cop, although from memory my first commissioned article for Muse was a preview of an exhibition of drawings by iconic gay illustrator Tom of Finland. Don’t think even JS Bach could have woven that into a PhD musicology thesis.



Presumably Gavin’s jilted – and now seriously embittered – music school lover.
And wind instrument accompanyist. The piccolo perhaps?

Slinky the Shocker6:05 pm 01 Apr 06

Er…and who would you be, Jane?

Jane Hansard3:42 pm 01 Apr 06

Good to read that funds are being sought from the party sector and not the government – I can’t see a film named after a glass syringe being regarded kindly by the arts establishment. The genre of sad narcissist former junkies claiming to be artists is having a Canberra resurgence, it appears….I’m told a number of Canberra ‘bohemians’ are likely to turn up in hand-knitted cardies and subvert the ‘party glamour for filming’ request…..check out back issues of Muse for Gavin Findlay’s recycled music school thesis. He is a graduate in the tuba, and a spectacular dag…so it’s a shame he is attempting to masquerade as an arts trendy…

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