A common question in Canberra these days is “How does Stanhope think he can carry on like this and win the next election?”.
The common reply is “Well would you vote for Bill Stefaniak? How about Richard Mulcahy?”
At which point the original questioner goes a bit funny, steadies themselves against the furniture, and asks no more.
Today’s Canberra Times is chockas (hope to link as soon as the website has something online) with ructions within the Liberals as Steve Pratt gets accused of digging dirt on Richard Mulcahy (I think the NSW branch of the Hotels Association has got that covered Steve) by the ACT party president Gary Kent. Other minor acts of bastardry are also recounted in the lurid reportage.
Will someone moderately electable climb over the bodies when it’s all done?
UPDATED: Thanks to Ari the slave-master I can now direct your attention to the Canberra Times reportage. They’ve actually got the front page online so you can see their pretty graphics outlining the turmoil (note this page is not permanent). Jack Waterford gives a gloomy prognosis for the Liberals:
“Only resignation, death, or a change in the respective balances at the next election seem likely to change the numbers. If it waits until the next election, of course, there are likely to be fewer, not more, to fight among each other.”
Also, Markus Mannheim reports on the email that has ignited the current troubles. Apparently Steve Pratt, Brendan Smyth, Jacqui Burke and Vicki Dunne, are all fingered as plotters in the email from Gary Kent. Intriguingly there is mention of a “sticky situation” between Jacqui Burke and her then advisor, David Bell.
Another Update If you are looking for an alternative to Labor I’d like to second Ralph’s suggestion in the comments and recommend the Liberal Democrats socially progressive, economically sane, and dedicated to NOT telling you how to live.
FURTHER UPDATE: The ABC reports that the Libs have spent much of the day in a crisis meeting and all are refusing to talk to the media. Apparently Liberal flunkies kept the corridors surrounding the meeting cleansed of media reptiles so as to avoid reportage of the screams and body parts thunking onto the walls.