A less intense smoke plume this morning (Aug 16 8am). Crews from Cooma and Jindabyne NSW Fire and Rescue in Bega to help fight the Yankees Gap Road Fire. Photo: Ian Campbell.
The sting in yesterday’s weather died out overnight but the flames and smoke it created remain and will for some time.
The Yankees Gap Road Fire at Bemboka, north-west of Bega is now twice the size of the fire that destroyed 65 homes at Tathra and surrounds five short months ago.
The Rural Fire Service is following up this morning on unconfirmed reports of property loss in the 3000-hectare blaze which is not yet considered ‘under control’ ahead of worsening weather this afternoon.
The fire is currently at the lowest Alert Level – Advice, but at its peak was running hard at the Emergency Warning Alert Level, which started to back off at about 8 pm last night.
Late yesterday, Marty Webster from Bega Valley Rural Fire Services said, “This will be a protracted fire and we will have to draw on a number of strategies to bring about containment.”
Some have suggested it will only be rain that puts the fire out.
The latest NSW RFS Update – 7.57am
A bush fire is burning near Yankees Gap Rd, Bemboka. The fire not under control.
Current Situation
A large fire is burning in the South East Forest National Park to the north-west of Bega.
The fire has burnt more than 3000 hectares.
Conditions across the fireground have eased significantly throughout the night, however winds are expected to pick up throughout the day.
Firefighters will today focus on consolidating containment lines around the fire.
There are unconfirmed reports of property loss. Assessments will be undertaken throughout the day to ascertain the extent of the fire’s impact.
The Snowy Mountains Highway has been reopened.
Monitor conditions in your area.
Check and follow your Bush Fire Survival Plan. If you do not have a plan, decide what you will do if the situation changes. Leaving early is your safest option.
Other Information
*If your life is at risk, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.
*Continue to stay up to date with the bush fire via the NSW RFS website, listening to your local radio station or by calling the NSW RFS Bush Fire Information Line on 1800 679 737.
*If you live in the area but are away from home, it may not be safe to return to your property.
*For information on road closures, check LiveTraffic NSW. Roads may be closed without warning.
The weather forecast suggests a mostly sunny day with areas of smoke haze. Winds westerly at 25 to 40 km/h tending southwesterly in the middle of the day then becoming light this evening. Daytime maximum temperatures between 14 and 19.
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