This is a notice to all Canberra Instagramers that there will be a photomeet on Sunday, 5th of June, 2.30pm at Gus’ Café. Other cities and regional areas are meeting and greeting, even organising exhibitions with interested parties (e.g.:
The intent is to meet, swap sordid IG addiction stories, tips, tricks, and create something possibly social (which can be hard to crack into when social circles can be so tight in this town). From this, we can sus if its something everyone would wish to continue, and maybe even set up a photowalk/excursion, etc.
Even if you are interested in photography, have an iPhone and don’t know what Instagram is about … come along, we can ‘hook you up’ (read ‘get you addicted to a hideously time sucking pursuit that will soon have you lying in gutters and parking the car in odd locations to snap sneaky pics, and being questioned by security guards, co-workers and people walking their dogs).
If you’re interested, we’ll be at Gus’ on the above date/time … and I’ll bring some kind of balloon or something to make it clear that we are the photo people meeting IRL.