The Symonston man was extradited from Karabar to face family violence charges in the ACT Magistrates Court. Photo: Claire Fenwicke.
A 36-year-old Symonston man will face court today (24 June) after being extradited from NSW on family violence charges.
It’s alleged the man caused a disturbance involving his ex-partner and damaged property at a Calwell home on Sunday, 16 June.
It’s further alleged the man then sent his ex-partner a threatening text message later that afternoon after he left.
Police inquiries indicated the man was in Karabar, NSW, and NSW Police arrested him on Friday, 21 June.
His extradition to the ACT was granted by Queanbeyan Local Court the next day.
He’s been charged with burglary, aggravated destroy/damage property, use carriage service to menace/harass, and warrant offences.
The man’s arrest comes under ACT Policing’s Operation Pemberton, which targets high-risk domestic and family violence offenders.
This is the operation’s third successful extradition since it began in April.
A spokesperson said it was about ensuring victims and the community were kept safe, as well as holding offenders to account.
“We understand the significant coercion and control exerted in relationships where family violence exists, and encourage anyone impacted by any type of family violence offending to contact police and seek support,” they said.
If you are a victim of family violence or believe someone you know is the victim of family violence, you can contact police on 131 444 or Triple Zero (000) in an emergency, as well as attend any police station.
Support is also available through the ACT Domestic Violence Crisis Service (6280 0900), Canberra Rape Crisis Centre (6247 2525), YWCA Canberra (6185 2000) and other ACT Government family violence services.
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