I’ve come across a cool (and free) iPhone application called GasBag Australia that allows you to find the cheapest petrol near you. To quote the description on iTunes…
‘GasBag Australia is a user-driven application that provides the fastest way to find the cheapest petrol near you. Our users are the best source of pricing data around and can submit those prices with a couple of quick taps. GasBag Australia allows you to search for any type of petrol, log your mileage and petrol costs and track the efficiency of your car.’
I’ve been adding in the details for petrol stations near Belconnen when I drive past and it’s very easy to use. You could say it is ‘FuelWatch’ for your phone. At the moment, there are only a few people in Canberra who are updating prices so it needs more users to be really really useful. But at the very least, because it is all map based, it is very handy for finding petrol stations in an area you aren’t familiar with. You can even find particular brand petrol stations if you have to for a work car etc.
Apparently it’s been developed by some Australian guys based in Silicon Valley and the American version got 75,000 users in the first month. I haven’t found out how to link from iTunes yet, but just type in ‘GasBag Australia’ into iTunes and you will find it.