Dear Canberra Residents
Canberra roads are chocker block full of noisy vehicles. If you agree and like me want to do something about this then it would be great if you could comment on this issue here. If I perceive that there is sufficient interest then I will set up a group of interested people with the intent of doing whatever is possible to reduce this problem in Canberra.
In the past I have lodged complaints about noisy motor vehicles with ACT Government agencies on several occasions to no effect. On more than one occasion I lodged a complaint with the Chief Minister. As a result it is clear to me that the ACT Government has no interest in this most important issue.
Unnecessary noise in our community has a grossly negative effect on our community in many ways including the following:
- It is impossible for many people to relax and feel comfortable in their own homes.
- It is impossible for many people to sleep well.
- As a result over a period of time stress levels for many people go up and sleep deprivation worsens.
- As a result the ability of many people to perform their duties as employees, employers, husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters etc. is significantly reduced.
The cost to the community is great in many ways including:
- Increased health issues.
- Reduced productivity at work.
- Reduced ability to perform family responsibilities.
- Reduced ability to perform community responsibilities.
Our roads are chocker block full of noisy motor vehicles due to a lack of interest in this issue by the ACT Government. Either the relevant legislation is inadequate or it is not being enforced properly.
If you agree with me and would like to do something about this issue then I encourage you to make your position known and comment here.