![gibraltar rocks view](http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-Zsd4I78GMC8/UAYLWDtvRDI/AAAAAAAAz_E/-KDxb7grXLs/s600/20120716_135803.jpg)
it’s school holiday time, so I decided to lever the boys away from the X-Box and take them out for a little communing with nature.
We went out to Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve and did the walk up to Gibralter Rocks. We went from the car park to the peak in about 50 minutes, which is a climb of around 350m over a distance of around 4 km. The visitors guide rates the walk as “moderate-hard”. Most of it was moderate, but there were a few very steep sections that required an occasional breather. The walk is on a nicely maintained 4 wheel drive trail with good footing all the way. I’d say that a reasonable level of fitness is required to make it to the top.
It’s a fantastic walk, with truly beautiful views available all the way up, and especially at the peak. The attached image shows the view from the peak towards Canberra, with the tracking station dishes at left, Black Mountain as a little bump in the middle and Woden Town Centre on the right. The elevation at the peak is around 1080m.
Also present along the way were many very mellow looking kangaroos, some with Joeys in their pouches. We passed within a couple of metres of some of them, and received nothing more than a quizzical glance as we went by.
I’d highly recommend this walk to anyone with an afternoon to spare on the weekend.
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