While long-standing favourites like Charlotte and Henry were still the most popular, some names that weren’t in the top 10 last year made it to 2023’s list. Photo: Wayne Evans.
Nearly 6000 births were registered in Canberra this year, and there are definitely some trends in the baby names we’re choosing.
Amelia, Charlotte and Henry took the top spots for most popular baby names in the ACT for this year, the fourth year in a row Charlotte has been (equal) number one.
The top 10 female baby names feature a few ‘newcomers’ to the list, though. Five names not seen in last year’s list cracked 2023’s top 10: Chloe, Eleanor, Violet, Harper and Mia.
However, none of them were popular enough to bump Charlotte or Amelia from the top spot. Charlotte has been in the top 10 baby names every year since 2003.
For boy babies, Henry beat out long-running competitor Oliver (2022’s most popular male name) for first place. Henry has remained in the top 10 most popular names since 2016.
There are also some new entrants in the top 10 list compared to last year: Alexander, Oscar, Jack, Charlie, Hudson and Muhammad.
As of 12 December, the most registered baby names for 2023 were:
Female names:
1. Amelia (=)
1. Charlotte (=)
3. Ava
4. Chloe
5. Evelyn
6. Eleanor (=)
6. Violet (=)
8. Isla (=)
8. Olivia (=)
10. Harper (=)
10. Mia (=)
Male names:
1. Henry
1. Oliver
3. Theodore (=)
3. William (=)
5. Alexander
6. Oscar
7. Jack (=)
7. Noah (=)
9. Thomas
10. Charlie (=)
10. Hudson (=)
10. Muhammad (=)
In 2023, 5983 babies were registered in the ACT, a decrease from the 6200 registered in 2022.
Access Canberra is reminding new parents and carers that registering a child born in the ACT is compulsory and must be done within six months of birth.
It’s easy and can be done in just minutes on the Access Canberra website by using the online birth registration form.
The issuing of a birth certificate typically occurs within 15 business days of receiving an application, but times can vary during busy periods.
For more information on registering the birth of your newborn, visit www.act.gov.au/birthregistration.