Illegal corflute on Canberra Ave. Photos: John-Paul Romano.
We live in a city where some people just don’t get it. It doesn’t take much to read and understand the Code of Practice for movable signs.
Yet, most community groups, businesses and political parties just let the regulation pass over their heads.
The code states fairly plainly where signs aren’t permitted, such as Canberra Avenue, Northbourne Avenue, the Barton Highway and Wentworth Avenue. It also says that signs, attached to poles, trees or government property are banned. But so far, no party has been able to follow these simple rules to keep our city, a city of national significance, beautiful.

Illegal corflute on Canberra Ave.

Illegal corflute on Canberra Ave median strip.
Nevertheless, I’m pondering why Transport Canberra and City Services has issued no fines this election cycle? Every political party should ensure it’s volunteers read the Code of Practice, which is enforceable with fines.

Illegal corflute on Canberra Ave.

Illegal sign locked to a pole in the city.
John-Paul Romano (@johnpauldromano) is a passionate and proud young Canberran, entrepreneur, and founder of The PURE Network (thepurenetwork.com).