Bored of the same ol’ Chrismas meals? Bring something new to the table this Christmas with these alternative meal ideas!
We’ve started the countdown – only 2 more days to Christmas! Here’s our comprehensive guide on dealing with Christmas in the territory.
Alternative Christmas meal ideas
When folks tell me they come from a ‘big’ family, I just smile and ask them about it. Rarely does it compare to my circus, ahem, I mean family. I have four siblings, two neices, five nephews (welcome little Bubba Oliver, my brand new baby nephew) a trillion aunts, uncles, cousins and I’m so lucky both my Grandmothers are still alive. Legit – we could start our own Principality of Hutt River. Then there is my friend’s family which is another beast in itself.
I have enjoyed many, many, many delicious Christmas dinners (four in one day is the record). So here are a few ideas – totally and mostly stolen from my family and friends.
Bring a plate
Why add any pressure to the day? Ask everyone to bring a plate. One person does need to coordinate dish allocation or you will just be eating dessert, cheese and prawns. But hey – that might be just your thing!
Nothing yells “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie” more than a shrimp on the barbie – am I right? But wait – we call them prawns and not everyone likes seafood.
If you are going to line up for 24 hours at the seafood van right before Christmas to pay top dollar for noms from Thailand and Malaysia because our Australian seafood often gets shipped abroad, make sure you have an alternative. Not everyone digs seafood.
Oh my goodness do we have some fine, fine fruits in this place Canberra! With places like Orange and Young just around the corner producing some of this country’s finest cherries and stone fruit, a delicious light meal of fruit could be the perfect cure for all of those rich seasonal treats.
A different culture
As a country, we have a beautiful technicolour of folks who call Canberra home from all over the world. Why not ask a mate about their culture and see if anything they eat tickles your fancy?
Slizikai anyone? Maybe some Panettone? I personally love Gulab Jamun and Bebinca – I miss my dear friend who used to make me Pierogi and Sa?atka jarzynowa. Ohhh and I have always wanted to try the infamous Pfefferkuchenhaus houses!
So give it a go – there is a whole world of options and traditions out there.
Finger food
Aint no party like a tiny pie and sausage roll party! Honestly, Christmas food can be stressful – what would happen if you served tiny cucumber sandwiches or shock horror – ordered a domino’s pizza?
Whilst food is important, so are the people you are sharing Christmas with. No one needs to stress themselves silly about making the perfect black Forrest cheesecake.
Do you have any family recipes or Christmas food ideas – we would love to hear them! Comment below.
Tomorrow, The RiotACT brings you: WTF gifts? Do I regift, exchange or tell them I hate it?
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