![civic pool](http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-pXkC0GqcZWE/UcOrVx8N8bI/AAAAAAABH5U/mKJwEveKADU/s600/Screen%2520Shot%25202013-06-21%2520at%252011.24.13%2520AM.png)
The Economic Development Directorate is letting us know that Civic Pool is shutting down for a month for maintenance:
Sport and Recreation Services (SRS) in the Economic Development Directorate advise that the Canberra Olympic Pool will be closed from 5 July to 4 August 2013 while necessary maintenance is undertaken in accordance with the facility’s Condition Assessment and Maintenance Schedule. Key aspects of this work will include repainting both the 50 metre and toddlers’ pools.
SRS Director said ‘the work is an important element of ongoing maintenance, designed to lengthen the life of the facility for the immediate future, while options for its longer term future are being resolved. Repainting assists in preserving the integrity of the pool structure that would otherwise be exposed to damage from pool chemicals.’