Hi all,
The National Capital Authority has given notice that the dirt car park situated between the National Library and the Lake will be permanently closed (except for special events) from Friday next week. Parking in this area will henceforth become even tighter…
From the National Library website:
Changes to car parking
Posted on: 23rd July 2012The National Capital Authority will commence restoring the Patrick White Lawns, adjacent to the National Library in August 2012. The area will close at 5 pm on Friday 3 August and will no longer be available for car parking except for temporary use during special events.
The Patrick White Lawns commemorate the 1973 Australian of the Year and the first Australian to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. The restoration of the area is listed as a high priority in the Parliament House Vista Heritage Management Plan.
Visit www.natcap.gov.au for further information.