The Quinlan Review reveals that the ACT Greens want to create an additional charge for Canberrans to use their cars. ACT Shadow Urban Services Minister Alistair Coe said today this is an out of touch and hypocritical statement from a party who drive taxpayer-funded cars into taxpayer-funded car parks.
“It is ridiculous that the ACT Greens want to charge people again by the kilometre for car usage and it shows just how out of touch they are with the needs of Canberrans,” Mr Coe said.
“Canberrans, like all Australian motorists, already pay fuel excise, which is effectively a tax on driving.
“The Greens clearly aren’t thinking about the young families that live out in the suburbs that have to drop their kids at school, get to work, take their kids to sports and get their shopping. Nor are they thinking of the pensioners that are already struggling to pay their bills.
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