I’m having a great time over at the Just Grounds site, and my suspicions about the mental state of some of the regulars there were further confirmed today.
Apparently one of the convoys showed up at a town called St George, and nothing happened. No welcoming committee. No brass bands in the street. No donations of food or money. Pretty much nothing.
This could have been because the people of St George didn’t know about the convoy. Or maybe they didn’t care about the convoy. Or perhaps the people of St George are under the baleful influence of a malignant and shadowy individual who wields great influence in the town. This person doesn’t believe in people having the right to protest and has enforced his will on the town because…you guessed it…he believes in Global Warming!!
Let’s see which conclusion Cate Stuart, one of the intellectual powerhouses of JG came to…
“Now, i heard a nasty little rumor – so verification would be great that there was a big of a stuff up at St George…heaps of Convoy people, however few not up to scratch organization skills there..hmmm could it be there there is a VERY stong influential person in the town who does not beleive in people having the right to protest, from all political persuasions, because this person believes in AGW….i wonder..fact or fiction…well, maybe we need to find out?! Does this person not realise that that is NOT the only issue here, or is this person so narrow minded, that they would not encourage democracy?”
So what Cate is proposing here is that the people of this town didn’t support the convoy folks because they are controlled by a bloke who won’t let them protest *because* he believes in global warming.
Here’s how the conversation went, in Cate’s mind:
Shadowy Mastermind: “You can’t support these convoy people”.
Townspeople: “Why not?”
Shadowy Mastermind: “Because I believe in Global warming”
Townspeople: “Ok then”
It really doesn’t get much better than that.
[ED – The SMH reports all is not well with the Queensland tentacle of the convoy, but it’s nice to see their extra-constitutional demands are intact]