The mob disquiet [over the residential placement of Dennis Ferguson] in Sydney raises an interesting issue for Canberra: if we are an educated, aware community that can debate and balance issues, what solution would we recommend for government re the Ferguson/housing problem, that looks insoluble.
I’m inclined to agree that focusing on the paedophile next door may be ignoring the fact that most child abuse happens in the home by a non-stranger.
There’s also the issue that Ferguson has served his time -and undoubtedly had a dreadful childhood. Something must have turned him into such a criminal.
What if he were to choose to move to Canberra? What should we do with him, if he were our problem?
[ED – In my experience what slight edge Canberra may lose in bogan ignorance we more than make up for with hysterical shrieking nimby’s, self serving misapplication of the precautionary principal, and borderline shut-ins with no sense of perspective]