ACT Chief Police Officer Ray Johnson: “Crime Stoppers makes our job easier.” Photo: George Tsostsos.
Police tips service Crime Stoppers ACT has launched a new easier to use website which it hopes will further enhance its role in solving all kinds of crimes in the Territory.
The new website has been funded by the Federal Government, as was an independent impact study showing the value of the not-for-profit, crime prevention and community safety organisation.
New national chair Diana Forrester said the 2018 Impact Report showed that for every dollar invested in Crime Stoppers, $11.15 of extra value was generated, adding up to $66 million in added value.
Overall, the service was considered to have a value of $170 million to the Australian community.
Nationally, there were nearly 320,000 phone and online contacts in 2018 which resulted in more than 5000 arrests and more than 1500 charges being laid. In the ACT there were more than 12,000 contacts, resulting in 50 arrests and 134 charges being laid.
“It shows that people can make a significant difference by sharing what they know about suspicious and criminal activity if they hear or see something,” she said.
Ms Forrester said that for the second year in a row, the ACT had more reports per capita than any other jurisdiction in Australia.
She said people trusted the Crime Stoppers brand, were comfortable contacting the service and the new website, which features a redesigned online reporting portal, would only improve outcomes.
ACT Chief Police Officer Ray Johnson said Crime Stoppers had been a fabulous partner with police in the ACT.
“It makes our job much easier,” he said.
He said the new website would enhance ACT Policing’s connection with the public, saying every bit of information was important.
Ms Forrester said the site was a safe and easy way for the public to provide information at any time anonymously without fear of retribution or embarrassment.
“They might remember something from a week ago and might not want to bother the police,” she said. “But every piece of information is vital to solving the puzzle.”
Crime Stoppers ACT can be found at https://www.crimestoppersact.com.au