Recently retired Supreme Court Judge Ken Crispin has given us mere mortals an interesting insight into the thinking of our bench during his retirement speech this week. CT bring us the story that Crispin has “praised the ACT Government for standing against the tide of knee-jerk legislation, for providing statutory recognition of human rights, and for resisting the clamour to jettison principles of fairness and compassion”.
Suitably long winded and wordy for a judge as you would expect.
He points out that “Commonwealth Government has not been an island of reason in the flood of hysteria over terrorism” and goes on to ask “Australia has also faced greater dangers from violent enemies. Why then are we now engaging in a panic stricken rush to jettison our rights and freedoms?” which i’m sure we all find to be rivetting stuff. It does however go a long way to explain the mindset of a man who’s been responsible for a lot of decisions that have sparked so much debate on this site.
I couldnt help but wonder if his parting words were addressed at the less moderates here.
“It is fashionable to chant mantras like ‘tough on crime’ as though every social problem can be solved by locking people up for longer periods.”