3 July 2024

Deadline set for Australia's live sheep exports

| Chris Johnson
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sheep on a ship

Images similar to these, of sheep stuck for weeks on ships like the MV Bahijah, have helped turn the tide against live animal exports. Photo: Stop Live Exports.

Australia’s live sheep trade is coming to an end, with shipments set to stop in less than four years’ time.

The Senate passed the Federal Government’s legislation this week that will ban the live sheep trade by sea in May 2028.

The controversial legislation has been fought at every step of its journey through the Federal Parliament, with opponents still vowing to contest Labor-held seats in order to get the laws overturned.

But it was a Labor election promise that animal welfare activists have welcomed.

The decision has the greatest impact on Western Australia, which is the only state still to ship live sheep.

The government is providing a $107 million transition package to WA farmers, although WA Premier Roger Cook says that’s not enough, and Canberra will have to cough up about $123 million.

“It will have a detrimental effect [on] WA farmers, so that’s why we want them to do that little bit more just to make sure we make this transition as smooth as possible,” he told ABC Radio.

“What we’ve been doing is working with the Federal Government to say, ‘you have to do more, we need more assistance for WA farmers to assist them in terms of this transition’.

“Our modelling shows it’ll have about a $123 million impact on the industry and the loss of about 400 jobs.”

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Federal Agriculture Minister Murray Watt, however, told parliament the $107 million transition package was a good level of support.

“This policy is about keeping jobs in Western Australia rather than sending those jobs offshore,” Mr Watt said.

“In doing so, we will be putting forward a strong future for the Western Australian sheep industry.”

In a subsequent media interview, Senator Watt said Labor had taken the live sheep phase-out policy to two consecutive federal elections, winning the second time.

“I do think it’s important that we follow through on those commitments that we’ve made to the Australian people,” he said.

“But we’ve also acknowledged that this is a pretty significant shift for Western Australian sheep farmers and the sheep industry.”

Nationals leader David Littleproud accused Labor of destroying 3000 jobs while “bowing down” to animal activists.

“Today is a devastating day for the farming industry in Western Australia and around the entire country,” Mr Littleproud said.

“Farmers now know Labor is willing to sell them out and shut down a successful, world-class trade based on ideology.”

He had tried to delay the final vote on the legislation in order to allow Senate committee scrutiny.

He failed in that bid, but in the House of Representatives Question Time on Tuesday (2 July), the Nationals Leader asked Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to name one country that has higher standards than Australia for live exports.

The PM said the transition package was a healthy figure compared to the value of the live export industry, which he said was around $80 million.

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He said the model for the live sheep export industry was built on animal suffering.

“The fact is that the live sheep industry has been in decline compared with the sheep meat industry, which is valued at about $4 billion,” Mr Albanese said.

“If you had a dog in a car all day in hot conditions, the owners will be charged with animal cruelty. Yet it is okay for 1000 sheep to go into international waters, suffer heat stress, suffer lack of ventilation, suffer lack of water and die in cruel, inhumane conditions.

“To me, that is not acceptable.”

The Keep the Sheep delegation met with the Prime Minister earlier in the week but said they left feeling disheartened at the government’s commitment to the ban.

Spokesman Ben Sutherland said regional communities would feel the brunt of the legislation’s impact.

“It affects my IGA, it affects my pub, it affects my sporting groups, it affects everything that goes on in my rural community,” he said.

“They need to come and see that, to see what damage they’re doing to us.”

The group now plans to campaign against Labor MPs in marginal federal seats – not just in WA.

Original Article published by Chris Johnson on PS News.

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Katrina Love3:37 pm 04 Jul 24

A historic and honourable day in Australia’s history. Thank you to the 33 Senators who listened to the science, the facts, and the majority rather than the squeaky wheel of emotion – “wahhhh – we’ll lose money”, industry spin and “tradition”… “we’ve always done it”. I’m sure the whalers were saying the same thing as they were relegated to the dustbin of our shameful history.

Economic gain does not and should never justify any kind of animal suffering.

We are talking about 600 thousand sheep in a state with a flock of 12 million, in a country with a flock of 76 million. All those other sheep will still need shearing and trucking and veterinary care (hard to keep a straight face with that one given the number of cruelty charges against sheep producers for neglect) and feed grown for them.

Maybe keep in mind that the UK essentially shut down the entire live animal export trade worth AU$970 million overnight – no transition period and no compensation for producers. NZ shut down all live animal exports by sea, worth AU$333 million within two and with no compensation. Aussie producers are receiving $107 million (possibly more) and four years to transition. They need to get a grip and adapt like every other Australian who has ever been retrenched, made redundant, lost their industry – their ENTIRE job, not just a tiny component of it, has had to do.

Finally a cruel practice comes to an end. No need for thousands to die in extreme conditions en-route to then be thrown in the back of a car and slaughtered fully conscious.

The decision to ban export of livestock by the ALP is a terrible example of old privileged white male elites being stuck in a rigid colonial mindset. They appear rampantly ignorant, even defiant, that they are going to stomp all over the cultural values, historical customs and sacred religious practices of a foreign people. Labor don’t seem to get it.
Furthermore, they cannot really care about animals. Australia has world’s best practice export veterinary processes. As soon as we are forced to step aside and stop selling our superior product, then so very quickly will another two or three countries step in to fill the market gap. They will have lower quality livestock and zero veterinary practices.

Katrina Love3:34 pm 04 Jul 24

Around 100 other countries already export live sheep – some many, MANY more than we do. They don’t NOT export because we do.

We don’t have any control over their welfare standards; never have had and never will have. The on-board conditions won’t get any worse if we leave the trade and they won’t get any better if we stay.

Probably important to remember that most voyages from any of those countries to the seven Middle Eastern countries we currently supply are overwhelmingly shorter – the best example is 14 hours versus 15.6 days (Sudan to Jeddah v Fremantle to Jeddah @ 15 knots).
Those animals are also going, in most cases, from no welfare laws and no stunning to no welfare laws and no stunning, i.e. like to like.

Sending hundreds of thousands of sheep from Australia, where they would have at least been stunned and spared three weeks at sea, to countries where they will have their throats cut whilst fully conscious is a net animal welfare loss.

Oh, look, Labor and the greens destroying another industry.

Imagine being one of the ‘working Australians’ that was gooled into thinking Labor cared about you. LOL

Imagine being goaded into believing that live animal exports are at all necessary. Oh wait…..

Yeah we can just selll frozen meat to countries where refrigeration is not common place. Truly a genius idea!

Katrina Love4:58 pm 04 Jul 24

Household refrigeration ownership in the oil-rich Gulf countries we export to is over 99% (well, it was, according to a Dubai survey carried out in 2012, and ownership would have only grown since then).

All Middle Eastern countries we export live animals to (except Israel) import chilled meat from animals stunned and halal slaughtered here in Australia. The chilled meat trade from Australia to the Middle East *alone* is worth eight times the value of the entire live sheep trade (chilled to the Middle East = AU$632 million versus live sheep exports to everywhere = AU$77 million).

Completely untrue. Pretending every other place is like Dubai is just absurd. They aren’t buying live sheep because they have other options.

Katrina Love9:31 am 05 Jul 24

I’m not pretending anything, mate – unlike industry, I only deal in facts. The survey was done BY a research company based in Dubai, not ON refrigeration in Dubai.

These are the seven Middle Eastern countries we export live sheep to:


Saudi Arabia

Of those, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi, and UAE are OPEC countries and I’m sure you’re not going to pretend that Israel, Jordan or Oman are poor “third-world” countries.

The Middle Eastern countries we export chilled meat to the tune of $632 million and growing, are:
Saudi Arabia

You’ll note that, as I said, we export chilled meat to all countries we export live sheep to, except Israel. You can look up chilled meat exports yourself, but as I think that may be challenging for you, here: https://www.mla.com.au/contentassets/9abf21c277c94a38987570e19275a0ab/australian-sheepmeat-exports—mena-summary-1.pdf

And again, just because we do export chilled or frozen meat to those countries does not mean it is suitable in all cases.

While it is typical for activists to believe entire countries are exactly like their major cities throughout, if you actually went outside you might come to the realisation that it is just not the case. Just because electricity and refrigeration is common in say, Jeddah, does not mean it is common in rural hamlets and villages. The people in those also have to eat, and the only way their meat keeps is if it is alive.

But hey, ignoring reality is all part of activism.

Katrina Love12:21 pm 05 Jul 24

As I said, household refrigeration ownership = >99%.

Except you made that up.

Katrina Love3:53 pm 05 Jul 24

As I said (pay attention) I stick to the facts. It’s industry that ignores reality and facts and makes things up.

A review undertaken in 2011 and released in 2012 by Market Vision Research & Consulting Services, a company based in Dubai, noted that in the UAE, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain there was near universal household ownership of refrigerators, at 99.5%. Freezers also have a high penetration (73%), among households.

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