itNews has the thrilling prospect of senior public servants joining the third millennia with access to a decent smartphone through work:
Samsung has submitted three of its mobile devices to the Australian Signals Directorate in an attempt to have them accepted for use in the workplace by government officials.
The security posture of the Samsung Galaxy SIII, Samsung Galaxy Note II and Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 are to be audited against EAL2 standards by third party assessor BAE Systems Detica.
BAE has been licensed by the Australian Signals Directorate (formerly known as the DSD or Defence Signals Directorate) to provide Common Criteria evaluations for technology products.
If the devices are approved, Australian Government officials will be permitted to transmit and store UNCLASSIFIED information using these devices.
A spokesperson for Defence told iTnews this was “the first time an Android device will undergo this kind of evaluation on behalf of ASD.”
The audit for the Samsung Android devices is not expected to be completed before the end of the year.
The pretty decent Blackberry 10 is also being evaluated to soon public servants with government phones won’t be laughed at quite so hard (although where the state of the art will by the end of the year is anyone’s guess.