22 March 2021

Did you hear Canberra's big bang?

| Ian Bushnell
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Canberra big bang

Big bang theories are welcome. Photo: File.

Mystery surrounds a loud bang heard early this morning in Belconnen and Gungahlin but it’s not the first to be experienced in Canberra’s north.

There have also been reports of an orange flash seen in the sky, which the ANU says discounts a meteor being responsible.

That description is reminiscent of reports two years ago of a big bang in Holt that attracted many theories but no actual cause.

READ ALSO See Holt Differently

And back in 2012 a big bang was reported in Nicholls, where houses were shaken.

Just like this time, Geoscience can’t help, and the police and ESA have no idea.

That leaves Defence, but don’t expect it to let on if the military have been up to anything.

But we asked anyway.

A Defence spokesperson said it was definitely not the culprit, saying there were no training exercises being conducted at present.

What do you think was the cause?

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Capital Retro10:00 pm 30 May 20

Could it have been a sonic boom from one of the new RAAF F-35’s?

I remember some rogue F-111 pilots “flaming” over Lake (Walter) Burley Griffin late one night about 20 years ago. That put the wind up a lot of people.

I live in Holt and heard the bang

Phil Tarrant6:40 pm 20 May 20

Yep, I heard it in Torrens, but earlier than 12.09 I am sure! Rattled my window. I blamed the neighbours.

Orange light? Like the meteor-like object caught on camera in the US in this video?
It started with blue light but at the time of the BANG it was definitely shining orange light.

russianafroman1:41 pm 20 May 20

There were thunderstorms south of Canberra around midnight. While they never reached Canberra, there’s a decent probability we heard random intracloud lightning. It would’ve sounded louder than usual because there was no rain accompanying it.

Drug lab exploding clearly. We are talking the Northside.

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