I’m considering going to the Magistrates Court to dispute a parking infringement issued to me. Now before you all blast me and tell me to pay up, don’t waste taxpayers money, don’t be a tightarse etc I want you to know I’m not doing an “Dr Enfield’ or anything needless like that (I pay any other fines etc). However, there are very important principals and issues associated with this fine that are making me want to fight ‘The Man’.
I believe I provided sufficient evidence to the Delegate of the Road Transport Authority to dispute the fine, however a withdrawl of the infringement was not granted (twice). Ok, so there may not be an option for the Delegate to withdraw my claim under the Road Transport Act 1999. I don’t know. I do know I want to take this further, I am just worried about costs (not $loaded$ unfortunately).
This is where you come in dear readers, have others out there not been granted the withdrawal of a certain traffic fine and successfully disputed the case in court? Or perhaps you thought you had a strong case, went to court and were ordered to pay the fine and the additional costs. I’d actually like to hear from those people and if it is worth going to court or in hindsight would you have just paid up?
Also, what do you think about disabled parking in the ACT town centres? Do you think there are sufficient disabled parking spots that are easily accessible for those in wheelchairs? Do you think some spaces should be restricted in terms of time limits to free up availability throughout the day? Do you think there needs to be more signage to direct drivers to other disabled spots that may not be in the immediate vacinity? There have been a number of ACT Government reports on this subject, I’d just like to hear from readers especially those that use disabled parking either for themselves or for disabled family membres, friends etc