Australian National University Centre for Gambling Research
If you play ‘pokies’ at least once per week and are over 18, please help us with our research by calling 1800 251 880 (freecall) to do a short telephone interview, where you will be asked about yor gambling participation and general questions (like your age, marital status).
You may also be asked to be interviewed in person to discuss your views on gambling and fill out a short survey about your own gambling. This will take 20-30 minutes. A participant information sheet will be provided and any questions answered prior to the interview.
If you are interviewed in person we will give you a gift card as a token of our appreciation for your time and participation.
All information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Please call 1800 251 880 (freecall)
This research is funded by the ACT Gambling and Racing Commission, the regulatory body for gambling and racing in the ACT.
Contact: ANU Centre for Gambling Research on 1800 251 880
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