Events in Sydney today (service for Jane McGrath) hasten me to mention that Daffodil Day is this year on Friday 22 August. Each year, the Cancer Council ACT recruits an army of volunteers to help sell merchandise in shopping centres, businesses, workplaces and at various events.
(Pink Ribbon Day is on 27 October.)
If you can help, please contact the Cancer Council ACT:
Phone: 1300 65 65 85
Web address:
I’d wager most people have been affected in some way by cancer; either personally, or through having a family member, friend or colleague suffer (and hopefully, survive) this insidious disease.
For me, Daffodil Day will be ten years to the day since my little bro’ lost the good fight to multiple brain tumours at the tender age of 26 years. His music lives on; I just wish he did too.