The other day I was assaulted in broad daylight in the Canberra region. One moment I’m minding my own business, the next I was running for my life. It was a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and looking at the wrong young man who took offense. I didn’t do anything to precipitate the event. Before I really grasped what was happening the guy attacked me, pushing and shoving me, threatening me, and then as I ran off, he chased me up the street with his mates in tow. I did consider hitting back but this guy was bigger than me, young, full of anger and rage and I figured I’d come off worse if I escalated the fight. I manged to get to my friend’s car and get in then drive off, with the young man punching at the car as I went.
It was scarey as hell. Even though I reported it to the police straight afterwards, I’m all shook up. Over the past week I have felt scared to leave the house and have been reliving the incident over and over in my mind. I’m having huge problems sleeping and holding it together.I’m worried that this might cause long term issues such as loss of my job if I’m too afraid to leave home.
Is there any service to assist with this sort of thing? I can see this is beyond my capabilities to deal with.