A childcare centre that shares the Emergency Services Authority’s building in Curtin is being asked to move because the building is a potential terrorist target (CT story here).
The owner of the centre, Mark Gillett, says that Emergency Services Minister John Hargreaves told him ESA chief Peter Dunn told him the building is a “high priority terrorist target” and for the kiddies’ saftey they should be moved out. Of course, Mr Hargreaves is now denying ever pressuring the childcare centre to move and Mr Dunn is refusing to comment.
There’s also been all kinds of complications with leases not being granted for long enough and stuff like that.
Mr Gillett does make the interesting point that there is also a childcare centre in Russell Offices, which one might suppose to be more of a terrorist target than our ESA bureau.
UPDATE: Vicki Dunne has weighed in to the debate, asking all kinds of tricky questions that never occurred to me, such as, “If that is true [that the ESA is a terrorist target], why has Teddy Bears been granted a six month lease? Why haven’t they been moved out immediately?”
FURTHER UPDATE: SpinStartsHere have taken up cudgels on this to hilarious effect.