Sandwiched between rapacious landlords and dodgy tenants the property manager’s lot is not a happy one.
The Office of Regulatory Services has announced that one has been fined $3,900 for letting tenants get away with murder (while still collecting a fee):
The agent was commissioned by a landlord to manage a rental property. Inspection reports indicated that the property was in good condition, and the landlord relied on these reports as a true indication of the state of the property. When the landlord decided to sell the property, another real estate agency was commissioned to undertake the sale. An inspection found the property to be poorly maintained and damaged. Contact with the original agent did not result in the requested rectification work and bond monies were released to the tenants despite instructions to the contrary. A complaint regarding the agent’s conduct was then lodged with the Office of Regulatory Services (ORS).
Investigation by ORS found grounds for occupational discipline and negotiations between solicitors for each party came to the agreement that the agent had breached rules of conduct.
The agent was reprimanded by ACAT and ordered to pay $3,900 to the landlord as reimbursement for some of the management fees paid.
“Real estate agents have a responsibility to exercise skill, care and diligence and to act in accordance with client’s instructions. If an agent is found to have failed to do so, they may find themselves facing severe consequences,” Mr Phillips said.