Don’t miss Reclaiming the Night, our final Australian Series concert for 2021 – now streaming on 8 December via Australian Digital Concert Hall.
After the disappointing cancellation of the live event in Canberra, we’re thrilled to bring this concert back to life digitally, performed by Melbourne’s tenacious PLEXUS collective.
Curated by Deborah Cheetham AO, the program features works by Nat Bartsch, Leanne Bear and Sally Greenaway, the curator’s own INSIEME – YAPENEYEPUK – TOGETHER, and the world premiere of Brenda Gifford’s Dharawa Miriwa (night sky).
The details
What: Canberra Symphony Orchestra Reclaiming the Night Digital Concert.
Where: Streaming online.
When: Wednesday 8 December 2021, 7 pm.
Cost: $24. Book here.