31 March 2022

Water Polo ACT Grand Final Day

| Morgan McGoogan
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Two people playing Water Polo

Water Polo ACT’s Grand Final Day is this Saturday! Photo: Water Polo ACT.

The biggest weekend for water polo in the ACT is here!

Water Polo ACT is capping off their 2021/22 season with a huge Grand Final Day! There’ll be plenty on, with eight games on throughout the day, with the first swim-off at 9 am and games running through until 5:30 pm. The teams competing on the day will include the U14 boy’s and girl’s competitions as well as the men’s and women’s 1st and 2nd-grade teams.

Person playing water polo

The U14s and U16s finals will also be taking place on the day. Photo: Water Polo ACT.

It will be held at the Stromlo Leisure Centre, a fantastic facility with an on-site cafe, so you can grab a bite to eat or enjoy a coffee during the spectacle. It’s a great day out for the whole family and the perfect opportunity for newcomers to see what Water Polo ACT is all about.

See you there!

The details

What: Water Polo ACT Grand Final Day
When: Saturday 2 April 2022, first game at 9 am
Where: Stromlo Leisure Centre
Cost: $3 per person, payable on entry.

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