The construction of an extra 80 car parking spaces at the Weston group centre will begin this financial year at a cost of $500,000, according to The Canberra Times.
In addition to this, resurfacing of the existing Cooleman Court parking will cost $125,000 under the 2014-15 ACT budget.
Extra parking spaces will be gained by shifting existing parking on Liardet Street to 90 degrees and creating new spaces at Dillon Close along with moving full day parking spaces further away from the centre.
The resurfacing will take place again as the work done late last year hadn’t properly ‘hardened’ prior to the hot weather, so melted during the heatwave.
As a Weston Creek resident this is welcome news – finding a park at Cooleman Court on a Saturday morning is a patience game and the current surface has been in a terrible state for a long time. I just hope the resurfacing doesn’t happen in the summer again.