Each week Rachel Moore is on the hunt to find out what makes Canberra special to all the wonderful folks who live here.
It is a rare experience to meet a person who instantly uplifts the whole room when they enter. From the second Rhonda D says hello it feels like your whole being is instantly wrapped in a giant hug. Hailing originally from the USA this former lavender farmer makes the most of every single moment life gives her.
Name: Rhonda D Whetham.
Age: (65) Young at Heart.
Occupation: I am a Therapist: I help people heal relationships, first with themselves, with others, places, things, events that have challenged them in their lives. I do this through my training as an Aromatherapist, Urban Shaman, Mentor/Life Coach and as a Reiki Master. We have learned over the last 20+ years from Quantum Physics what the Mystics have known for centuries, that we are 99.99% energetic beings and everything in our life is a relationship to something else. I help people heal by making peace with their past relationships. Then teach them how to live with knowing every thought action and deed they do has a reaction in the world.
How long have you lived in Canberra? 7 years.
North, South or Q-town? Southern edge in a small village Tharwa.
Most memorable event you’ve attended in the ACT? Dressed up like a Bumble Bee in the march for Climate Change.
Things you love about Da Berra? The on the street cafe’s, nature areas within the City and Urban sprawl.
What do you loathe about the city? Reduced speed signs when there is no roadworks happening.
Which Canberra local do you most admire and why? Barbara Bankovsky from Lifeline. She shows such compassion for the helpers answering the phones and teaches us to have that compassion when talking to the caller.
Who did you first kiss in Canberra, and where? 15 years ago I had just recently met Robert, now my partner, and we kissed as he put me on the bus at Jolimont center.
Most delicious Berra place you adore eating at: The Beer and Burger at Tuggeranong.
Most precious item you own: A Navajo woven blanket given to my Grandmother passed down to me.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Taller.
Social media handles?
Check out my Radio program on 98.3 2XXFM ‘Back To Earth’ Fridays 2.00-3.00pm.
What question would you most like to ask everyone in Canberra? Are you living from your Heart?