The Community Services Directorate is calling for expressions of interest for someone to run the Griffin Centre.
The organisation selected to manage the Griffin Centre will have a specific focus on the effective and proper management of the Centre with a view to delivering services and benefits to the community.
Organisations responding to this Expression of Interest must be:
— A not for profit non-government organisation (an organisation which provides services to the community by employees or volunteers, either as individuals or connected with a variety of businesses and charitable organisations, which operate across a wide range of industries. Services typically include those activities ‘which assist or support members or the community in personal functioning as individuals or as members of the wider community); and
— An association incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1991 (ACT).
One of the more important criteria that the managing organisation must demonstrate is the capacity to manage the multi-purpose community tenancies within the Griffin Centre to maximise their use and provide additional services to the community. This includes the ability and a demonstrated capacity to manage the range of meeting rooms and other areas for functions and for public hire.
Submissions by prospective cat-herders close on 19 August.