20 September 2024

Federal and ACT governments sign deal to power ahead with renewable energy priorities

| Andrew McLaughlin
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Solar panels on townhouse development

The RETA’s aims include supporting work to electrify homes and businesses. Photo: Michelle Kroll.

The Federal and ACT governments have signed an agreement designed to secure the ACT’s renewable energy base and further support Australia’s renewable energy transformation.

The Renewable Energy Transformation Agreement (RETA) aims to support work to electrify homes and businesses, with the Commonwealth committing to explore opportunities to collaborate with the ACT Government in priority areas.

These priorities include acceleration of vehicle-to-grid capabilities where EVs become mobile power banks, the electrification of complex buildings, energy performance improvements including electrification of private lower-income households and public and community housing, and supporting energy innovation.

Lessons learned through these programs will be shared and used to inform future projects across Australia.

The ACT agreement is the third to be signed, coming two months after similar agreements between the Commonwealth and the governments of South Australia and Western Australia.

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Through those agreements, the Commonwealth will support developers in Western Australia to build a minimum of 6.5 TWh of new wind and solar projects and 1.1 GW of new storage capacity, which will bolster the stability of the electricity grid. In South Australia, they will support the development of 1000 MW of new wind and solar projects, which is sufficient to power all of the homes in Adelaide, and 400 MW of new storage capacity.

The South Australian Government has also committed to deliver the Hydrogen Jobs Plan by early 2026 through the building of a renewable hydrogen power plant, a hydrogen electrolyser and a storage facility.

Federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen said the agreement with the ACT would support not just the Territory’s clean energy and net-zero future, but Australia’s.

“The innovation and expertise that will drive the electrification of homes, businesses and vehicles across the Territory will also help us provide reliable renewable energy across Australia,” he said.

“The Albanese Government’s Reliable Renewables Plan is the only plan backed by experts to deliver the cheap, reliable and resilient energy system that families and businesses deserve. This is in sharp contrast to Peter Dutton’s anti-renewables nuclear fantasy, which remains uncosted and unexplained.”

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ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr said Canberra was the first city outside of Europe to be powered 100 per cent by renewable electricity, and the entire ACT would achieve net-zero emissions by 2045.

“Our progressive and practical policies have seen Canberra maintain the lowest regulated electricity prices in the National Electricity Market while also creating more jobs in renewables here in the ACT,” he said.

“This agreement will support the ACT’s nation-leading clean energy transformation and provide new paths towards a nation powered by reliable renewables.”

ACT Greens leader and energy spokesperson Shane Rattenbury said the ACT had long been a leader in climate action.

“We have committed to phasing out fossil gas by 2045 and are progressing well on our journey to electrify our city, improve energy efficiency and deliver a just transition,” he said.

“This new agreement will ensure we continue to lead as we accelerate the electrification process and boost efficiency, including in apartment complexes and in public housing, and as we trial new technologies to support an efficient, all-electric city.”

Original Article published by Andrew McLaughlin on PS News.

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What a joke! So, once we are net zero, we will no longer have bushfires or floods? You cannot power a modern economy with renewables alone that is why the United States, China, Japan, Germany, France, United Kingdom, South Korea, etc, ALL have nuclear power. Bowan and Barr are the ones with a renewable fantasy! We kept getting told that renewables are the cheapest form of energy (because he doesn’t include the trillion-dollar cost of building a new transmission network). Yet, our energy bills keep going up and up the more renewables enter the market. The climate change religion is alive and well. Meanwhile, China and India keep building more coal-fired power stations while we pay China to build us wind turbines and solar panels. They must be laughing their heads off.

It is as obvious as the nose on “Bowens” that he knows nothing of his port folio nor his bureaucrats.

“Albaneses Reliable Renewables Plan”? Are you fing serious. I haven’t met a person yet apart from Cassanova Bowen who thinks this renewables rubbish will power our entire country and economy. Not to mention the destruction of the environment and the massive cost of doing this. I’m sick of this garbage. The sooner Albanese is voted out the better.

I can well imagine that you haven’t met a person who understands it and is part of investing over $5Bn a year in lower cost firmed energy. Why would they want to talk to you?

As I’ve said before, there is no proper care for critical infrastructure in the woke. And the Labor Party, I’m sorry to say, is woke AF (and has had a very negative effect on many conservatives, too).

As such, all of this climate business – garbage. Just woke people indulging their decadence fetish, due possibly to being the most affected by a materially successful society, and the delusions that overabundance can create in people, resulting in all connections with reality being lost.

Where the sane person can still see that humans have non-negotiable needs and that the solutions to those needs won’t materialise by themselves, the woke person imagines that they will simply magically appear, not unlike going to a supermarket and taking your pick.

This, in a nutshell, is the kind of thinking that supports the climate narrative, at least in those people that are more well-meaning.

Happily, in a fair society business leadership of commercially sound improvements to critical infrastructure will benefit even those who haven’t a clue.

You will pay the electricity cartel for all of your requirements.

Bright Spark8:04 am 23 Sep 24

You only have to scratch the surface to see the major falsehoods underlying the spin of this announcement:

Key Points:

* The release of the ACT Government Integrated Energy Plan (IEP) has sparked further debate, particularly regarding the lack of costings and modelling for apartment and townhouse residents, a segment that represents around 40-50% of Canberra’s housing Census, 2021.

* The IEP has been described as having a ‘tick box’ consultation process, failing to adequately address community concerns.

*A significant amount of territory land is controlled by the National Capital Authority. This land is not impacted by the IEP, therefore gas connections are still being applied for and approved. MPA members advise that there are several new and significant developments on NCA land which will have new gas appliances and connections. This situation will continue indefinitely.

* Research by Senator Pocock’s office through the Parliamentary Library indicates a higher cost to electrify than figures publicly released, and no figures have been released for apartment dwellers.

‘Community consultation has been a ‘tick box’ exercise, with significant reservations and concerns from residents largely ignored. During August and September 2023, the ACT Government invited community feedback on its electrification plan, yet a large proportion of respondents expressed unsupportive sentiments towards the strategy.’

See original press release:

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