I have recently taken up an interest in old poison bottles and whilst perusing eBay for some, I stumbled across a closed auction for 140 old bottles, much to my frustration the auction had only ended a few weeks ago and the entire lot had gone for 99 cents.
What’s more frustrating is that the auction also included the secret location where more bottles could supposedly be found, apparently it’s somewhere 45 minutes east of Canberra.
On my quest to find old bottles I have decided to look past eBay and into my own backyard, but no obvious areas in or near the ACT spring to mind for the prospective bottle-digger.
If anyone knows anywhere in the local region that has remnants of occupancy where I might start my treasure hunt I would be very interested to hear.
It seams that those lucky south and western Australians live in the best bottle-digging country as this picture from WA illustrates.