Happy winter’s eve, everyone. It’s time to pull out the jug of warm water and the ice scraper, the first frost is here – the first in our suburb, anyway.
Canberra temperatures fell to below zero at 4.41am, and were back up to 2 degrees by 8am. The skies are clear with not a hint of the fog we saw yesterday. The sunshine is set to continue till late morning, with showers forecast from noon till mid-afternoon.
RiotACT took a tour of nearby streets this morning and found some cars coated in ice, and others entirely free of it, so perhaps you’ll be lucky and won’t need to clear the frost before heading out for the day.

I showed our youngest child some photos I took of frost-covered cars and he said, “That’s OK, you just turn on the wipers, Mummy.”
I had to explain that wipers don’t cut it with ice. Warm water poured over the glass followed immediately by wipers usually works for us.
Here’s a useful video with some tips on preventing the arrival of the ice in the first place. I like the idea of keeping an old sheet over the front and back windscreens at night: viralnova.com/frosted-window-tricks.
Got any other tips for dealing with frost on the windscreen?