27 June 2019

Four month investigation blows open suspicious death at Bungendore

| Ian Campbell
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A four-month cross border police investigation has shed new light on the death of a man at Bungendore, with two people arrested this morning.

On February 23, NSW Ambulance paramedics attended a residential address in Bungendore, where they treated an unconscious man who was purported to have taken a fall.

The 56-year-old man was taken to Canberra Hospital and admitted to the Intensive Care Unit.

Police report, “Despite medical interventions, the man passed away two days later when he was taken off life support.”

Inquiries into the death of the man were originally conducted by officers from ACT Policing before being transferred to the NSW Police Force and Coroner on February 27.

“A post mortem examination revealed the deceased had suffered significant impact injuries to his head.”

Strike Force Kokal, led by officers from Monaro Police District, was established to investigate the circumstances of the man’s death.

Earlier today (June 27) police attended a home in Bungendore and arrested a 21-year-old male and a 48-year-old female. Both of the accused were known to the deceased man.

Both have been taken to Queanbeyan Police Station where they are assisting police with inquiries.

Original Article published by Ian Campbell on About Regional.

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