ABC online is reporting a community forum to discuss the future direction of Civic. Included for discussion is widening London Circuit (to where pray tell?) and establishing some jobs for the boys to busy body the whole affair.
I think the best planning they could have done is not placing residential apartments in a 24 hour business centre. It’s only a matter of time till the ‘new stakeholders’ start complaining about the noise even though it existed long before they moved in. Isn’t it always the way?
Not yet I’ll grant you, but they start this business in an out of the way spot and slowly encroach as the rates and stamp duty get juicier and juicier. It killed the Brisbane CBD, now it’s bound to kill Civic as well.
UpdateThe Canberra Times have a much better article on the matter Which pretty much confirms that they will try and dump more residential in there. Goodbye nightlife.